Light & Optics Books

Advanced Aspects of Spectroscopy
by Muhammad Akhyar Farrukh (ed.), 2012, 301 pp, multiple PDF files

Advances in Photonic Crystals
by Vittorio M.N. Passaro (ed.), 2013, 340 pp, 29MB, PDF

Classical and Modern Optics
by Daniel A. Steck, 2010, 276 pp, 34MB, PDF

Color and Its Applications
by Matthew Luckiesh, 1921

The discrete dipole approximation: an overview and recent developments
by Maxim A. Yurkin, Alfons G. Hoekstra, 2007, PDF

Frontiers in Guided Wave Optics and Optoelectronics
edited by Bishnu Pal, 2010, 690 pages, 52MB, PDF,

Fundamentals of Nonlinear Optics
by Sergey A. Ponomarenko, 2012, 106 pp, 1.1MB, PDF

Fundamentals of Photonics: Quantum Electronics
by Franz Kaertner, 2006, PDF

General and Practical Optics
by Lionel Laurence, 1920

Geometric Optics
by J. B. Tatum, 2006, 430KB, ZIP/PDF

Geometrical Optics
by A.S. Percival, 1913, 152 pp, multiple formats

Handbook of Optical Through the Air Communications
by David A. Johnson, 2008, 68 pages, 1.3MB, PDF

Holographic Materials and Optical Systems
by Izabela Naydenova, et al., 2017, 516 pp, multiple PDF files

Introduction to Quantum Optics
by V. I. Man'ko, 1995, PS/PDF

An Introduction to the Quantum Theory of Nonlinear Optics
by Mark Hillery, 2009, 80 pages, 770KB, PDF

Lecture Notes on Nonlinear Optics
by Fredrik Jonsson, 2003, 168 pp, 2.9MB, PDF

Lectures on Geometrical Optics for Engineering and Medical Entrance Exam
by Anuj Kumar Dubey, 2016, 196 pp, 1.4MB, PDF

Light-Matter Interactions and Quantum Optics
by Jonathan Keeling, 2012, 131 pp, 1.1MB, PDF

Linear Response Theory
by Peter Hertel, 2005, 59 pp, 300KB, PDF

Non-Linear Optics
by Wim Ubachs, 2007, 85 pages, 1.7MB, PDF

Nonlinear Optics
by M. Wohlecke, K. Betzler, M. Imlau, 2005, 114 pages, 6.4MB, PDF

Nonlinear Wave Equations
by Heinz-Juergen Schmidt, 2003, 78 pages, 1.5MB, PDF

Open Systems, Entanglement and Quantum Optics
by Andrzej Jamiolkowski (ed.), 2013, 138 pp, 2.5MB, PDF

Optical Interferometry
by Alexander Banishev, Mithun Bhowmick, Jue Wang, 2017, 258 pp, multiple PDF files

Optical Properties of Semiconductors
by Jerome Faist, 2008, 115 pp, 7.3MB, PDF

Optical Properties of Solids
by Frederick Wooten, 1972, 260 pages, 8.7MB, PDF

by P. Ewart, 2007, 64 pages, 1.4MB, PDF

Optics Highlights: An Anecdotal History of Optics from Aristophanes to Zernike
by L.S. Taylor, 1998, University of Maryland

Photonic Crystals
by Alireza Bananej (ed.), 2015, 178 pp, multiple PDF files

Photonic Crystals: Molding the Flow of Light
by John D. Joannopoulos, at al. 2008, 305 pages, 21MB, PDF

Photonic Design: From Fundamental Solar Cell Physics to Computational Inverse Design
by Owen D. Miller, 2012, 136 pp, 7.2MB, PDF

Photons, Schmotons
by John Baez, Michael Weiss, 2002, 47 pp, multiple formats

Physics of Light and Optics
by Justin Peatross, Michael Ware, 2011, 345 pp, 16MB, PDF

Quantum Cascade Lasers
by Vasilios N. Stavrou (ed.), 2017, 116 pp, multiple PDF files

Quantum Optics: an Introduction
by Maciej Lewenstein, Anna Sanpera, Matthias Pospiech, 2006, 90 pp, 670KB, PDF

Quantum Optics and Nonlinear Optics
by Karl-Peter Marzlin, 2007, 209 pages, 1.4MB, PDF

Single-Molecule Optics
by Michel Orrit, 2004, PDF

The Theory of Electrons and its Applications to the Phenomena of Light
by H. A. Lorentz, 1916, 352 pages, 42MB, PDF

The Thermodynamics of Light
by Per Kristen Jakobsen, 2018, 60 pp, 680KB, PDF

Unified Physics: Optics
by R.F. Davidson, R.W. Tinnell, 1972, 156 pp, multiple formats